0029f4 ошибка bmw

  1. Andrei009

    6 май 2012

    Всем привет. Поиском не нашел. Диагностика показала ошибку «29F4 Переоборудование катализатора». Что это значит? Выхлоп-сток. Машина работает без нареканий, не тупит, чек не горит

    Может ли это быть не корректная работа (конденсат и т.п., машину беру раз в неделю) или это значит что они забиты?

  2. Почитал у немцев,
    1. пару сотен км надо проехать много холодных поездок закидало сажей/маслом, должно пройти.
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    3. Катам кирдык.
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  3. Andrei009

    6 май 2012

    Спасибо! я как раз машиной пользуюсь раз в две недели проезжаю 7-10 км в один конец и столько же обратно! Смотрел по 7-му тесту, так она даже не успевает прогреться! Один раз в месяц езжу по трассе (50 км туда и 50 обратно). На этом все. Поэтому в основном холодные поездки (95%) Может и правда тогда пункт первый про меня..

  4. Не обольщайтесь. С большей вероятностью 3 пункт. Решение-программное евро2. Каты как правило не кончаются физически, их можно и оставить.

  5. Andrei009

    6 май 2012

    А что кончается?

    Диагносты, программисты и шарящие в этом люди, подскажите пожалуйста есть официальный документ (на подобии тиса и тп) где описана эта ошибка?

  6. Привет! А чем читали такую ошибку, и вообще, почему решили читать ошибки?!

  7. Andrei009

    6 май 2012

    Привет! Ничего вообще не беспокоило. Для профилактики подключили автоком (просто решил посмотреть что там творится, давно не смотрел) и он показал ошибку по катализатору. Удалили.
    Сегодня заехал к другому другу подключили Лаунч. Показало ошибку 29f4. Удалили. Пока тарахтел около гаража, ошибка больше не появлялась(минут 5). Сейчас не знаю. Через пару дней хочу еще раз глянуть

  8. Если ничего не беспокоит и работает как положено, то советую Вам не мешать работать технике, а лучше сделать что то действительно полезное для авто, например лишний раз глянуть ходовку, поменять масло в ДВС, ГУРе, раздатке, мостах, тормозуху и антифриз. Поверьте, если Вы будете чаще заниматься такими вещами, то автомобиль Вас будет только радовать!))) Да, и БМВ все таки лучше читать родными программами!:hi:

  9. Andrei009

    6 май 2012

  10. уясе какое слово))) По факту они начинают сыпаться,если есть проблемы со смесеобразованием.Например дырявая вентиляция,или пропуски и тд. Во всех остальных случаях сама механика катализатора живее всех живых.И ни разу на 3 литровых моторах не встречали задиров из за катов. А эти ошибки просто говорят о низкой эффективности его работы. На F10 к примеру 150-200 тыщ почти гарантирована такая ошибка.Так что выпиливаем задние зонды,прошиваем,и улыбаемся).Не один десяток машин так сделал,что Е что F серии с 52 мотором. Все у всех хорошо)

  11. Jazzzzzzzz

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  12. Прикольная картинка. Как раз это типичный пример езды с дырявой вентиляцией и дикими пропусками из за этого.Тачка не заводится, троит, но они все равно держат педальку, авось прочихается:) Бензин как раз догорает в кате. Видел машину, у которой в салоне шумка загорелась от такого ката)). Прямо в салон ведрами лили воду

  13. Andrei009

    6 май 2012

    что есть «дырявая вентиляция»?

  14. Jazzzzzzzz

    Порванная мембрана клапанов рециркуляции картерных газов или лопнувшие трубки от старости оных

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  15. Andrei009

    6 май 2012

    В связи с тем, что машина большую часть времени стоит, а когда берется, то даже толком не прогревается, то соответственно катализаторы даже не выплевывают все то, что в них есть.

    Заправил машину качественным 98-м, дал хорошо по трассе, подключил комп, — ошибка ушла .
    (первое время из глушаков как из под крана ручьем лилась вода).

  16. Смотреть пост под номером два

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Ошибка 29F4 у автомобиля BMW была обновлена 03:40. Определить ошибку в автомобиле BMW можно через диагностический прибор через соединение OBD2. Если у вас определена ошибка под номером 29F4 — тогда прочитайте ее обозначение согласно официальным техническим регламентам автомобиля BMW.


Дословный перевод ошибки – «каталитическое преобразование конверсии». Причина проблемы заключается в неисправности или некачественном подключении каталитического преобразователя.

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  1. Getting codes 29F4 29F5 — O2 or Cats?

    Not sure if I should replace the cats or O2 sensors. I’m getting the SES light, but have some other Misc codes. Car seems less than quick off the line in normal driving. Car is new to me and was pretty poorly maintained. Only has 82k miles, but needed plugs and filters pretty bad when I got it. I just changed them, cleared all the codes, but these two codes keep coming back

    Codes 29F4 and 29F5

    What should I do first? O2 sensors? Which ones are more likely to need replacing? before or after cat?

    2011 328i N52 auto


  2. How many miles on your car? Catalysts have an 80,000 mile warranty.

    That said, if the O2 sensors are reading incorrectly, OR if you have crankcase ventilation problems, or other issues which are causing the engine to run less than perfectly, that will certainly cause catalyst efficiency codes.

  3. 82k miles. If it was the O2 sensors, which ones would be most likely to fail? Pre or post cat?

    thanks for the help.

    Quote Originally Posted by bmwdirtracer
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    How many miles on your car? Catalysts have an 80,000 mile warranty.

    That said, if the O2 sensors are reading incorrectly, OR if you have crankcase ventilation problems, or other issues which are causing the engine to run less than perfectly, that will certainly cause catalyst efficiency codes.

  4. Do not erase codes. Take the car to a dealership, and advise them you’ve been told that the catalytic convertors have failed, and ask them if they will replace these under federal emissions warranty. Do not clear the codes, and do not mention a forum.

    Midland’s not that far away. (I lived in Terlingua for 12 years)

  5. What maintenance have you done on the car? How old are the spark plugs? What repairs have you had to do?

  6. I changed the the spark plugs, air filter, cabin air filter, less than 200 miles ago. Bought a scanner, cleared the codes, drove it. After about 45 mins of driving SES light came back on. I planned on changing the O2 sensors, but didn�t want to waste the money if I was going to have to replace the cats. Car drives fine, but like I said, a mild stumble from a stop.

    Quote Originally Posted by bmwdirtracer
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    What maintenance have you done on the car? How old are the spark plugs? What repairs have you had to do?

  7. Even if you end up having to replace the cats, it would be silly to put the old O2 sensors in the new exhaust. Cats don’t just «die». Something kills them, like an engine that’s running too rich or too lean, or dumping oil into the exhaust, etc. If the cats are dead, so are the sensors.

  8. Sounds like you�re saying you think the cats are done, and I shouldn�t bother with changing the O2 sensors, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by bmwdirtracer
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    Even if you end up having to replace the cats, it would be silly to put the old O2 sensors in the new exhaust. Cats don’t just «die». Something kills them, like an engine that’s running too rich or too lean, or dumping oil into the exhaust, etc. If the cats are dead, so are the sensors.

  9. No, that’s exactly the opposite of what I said. Replace the sensors first, clear the codes, and see if they come back. If they do, you need cats also.

    But know that the cats didn’t die because they were old. If they’re dead, something killed them and you need to fix that something before replacing the cats, or you’ll just kill the new ones.

    You might also want to have the latest software loaded into your car’s computers, in case there’s an update relating to this.

    Last edited by bmwdirtracer; 07-26-2018 at 07:30 PM.

  10. Ok I understand. Should I replace all 4 sensors or are the 2 pre-cat sensors or the 2 post-cat sensors more likely to cause this problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by bmwdirtracer
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    No, that’s exactly the opposite of what I said. Replace the sensors first, clear the codes, and see if they come back. If they do, you need cats also.

    But know that the cats didn’t die because they were old. If they’re dead, something killed them and you need to fix that something before replacing the cats, or you’ll just kill the new ones.

    You might also want to have the latest software loaded into your car’s computers, in case there’s an update relating to this.

  11. Well, that’s a difficult question. The primary sensors certainly live in a more difficult environment…AND they contribute more to the fuel mixture decisions made by the computer. On the other hand, the secondary sensors are the ones which are sending the information that the catalysts are not doing their job, because they’re measuring the efficiency of the cats.

    Personally, I think you’d be best served by having a little more hands-on professional diagnosis done by a BMW specialist shop. It’s not normal for a car to be having catalyst efficiency codes at this mileage. Perhaps the engine’s burning oil, or perhaps it’s running too rich or too lean (which should set other codes), or maybe BMW’s even got more recent software for your computers that will have a «fix» for this issue.

    Your oxygen sensors are very expensive — the catalysts even more so. I have to again recommend proper diagnosis of causative faults BEFORE throwing parts at it.

  12. O2 sensors and cats are probably quite OK, since both banks are reporting the error simultaneously.

    I am having the same problem on an N52B25 in a 525xi (Europe model). So far, I have eliminated other error codes that might have been causing the cat errors, including Vanos solenoid exchange and both DISA valves renewed, new sparkplugs and airfilter.

    Due to excessive oil consumption, I even had a major engine overhaul done with new piston rings and crankcase ventilation and a total overhaul of the cylinder head and valves. It seemed to cure the oil consumption but had nothing to do with the cat error codes.

    “My” BMW expert mechanic has found the brake booster is leaking air. And that air — he explains — ends up in the intake via the crankcase ventilation. And the electronics cannot measure that air and thus it gives the wrong air / fuel mix, which in turn may be causing the cat error codes.

    And he is right that it leaks air: For about 20 seconds after I stop the engine, I can hear a hissing sound and after that there is no pressure left to assist me in applying the brakes. And if I push the brake pedal while stopping the engine, the hissing sound is delayed until I release the brake. I.e. the valve in the brake booster closest to the brake pedal is leaking air.

    I hope he is right about this vacuum leak causing the cat error codes. He also claims that failing cats on an N52 is not a common problem. But the error codes are. And they are usually caused by a fault in either the intake system or the fuel injection.

    I have ordered a new brake booster.

    JimmyJam83: What did you do to solve your problem?

  13. Some body needs to do the correct diagnostics before changing any parts

  14. New brake booster mounted. It made no change to the error codes. But the brake booster is now working as it should. So no money wasted, but still left with catalyzer errors.

    Next up is examining the internals of the cats with a camera.

  15. You rebuilt your engine because of excessive oil consumption. All that oil went through the cats, which is very likely to have ruined them. Oil, coolant, rich mixtures or lean mixtures will all destroy catalysts very quickly.

  16. That is absolutely correct. The camera revealed ruined catalyzers. They have now been replaced and the error codes are gone. Or at least there are no error codes after 600 km.

    I am just mad that when I bought the car, I asked BMW how much oil such and engine may consume. Their answer was one liter for every 1000 km. And at that time, the car “only” consumed a liter for every 3500 km. So I was left with no possibilities for complaining where I bought the car, even though I bought the thing with 3 months guarantee.

    After a couple of years and 40.000 km more, the oil consumption had worsened and was a liter for every 1500 or 2000 km. I.e. never as bad as BMW’s “specification” for what makes a bad engine. But obviously more than enough to destroy the catalyzers.

  17. If the cat codes are efficiency faults then cats are done or you install this spark plug adaptors on the o2 sensors to pull the sensor out of the exhaust stream and the faults might not return. Of course the cats would still be bad but the light would be off.

  18. Hi all sorry to be a pain
    I have a BMW 1 series 2009 116i which kept cutting out when driving happened once 6 month ago and then recently started again and jumping when driving. Long story short I took it to a garage who did a diagnosis and the codes were:

    2A26/Present — DME catalyst converter in stratified charge mode.
    29F4/Not present — DME catalyst converter Conversion
    23C1/Not present — Oxygen sensor emissions control.

    The garage said a new converter is needed which is fine … estimated a few hundred pounds. I decided to save some money and fix it myself(the garage arent very reliable and I can’t drive it far as its stuck on limp mode) however there are TWO catalyst converters on the car (manifold and the exhaust) the garage haven’t told me which.

    I’ve search google/YouTube etc. Any ideas?

    Currently have a manny cat on hold at a party dealer so I have to get sorted soon! Any help or ideas would be really appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!!

  19. Quote Originally Posted by Crpb1027
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    Hi all sorry to be a pain
    I have a BMW 1 series 2009 116i which kept cutting out when driving happened once 6 month ago and then recently started again and jumping when driving. Long story short I took it to a garage who did a diagnosis and the codes were:

    2A26/Present — DME catalyst converter in stratified charge mode.
    29F4/Not present — DME catalyst converter Conversion
    23C1/Not present — Oxygen sensor emissions control.

    The garage said a new converter is needed which is fine … estimated a few hundred pounds. I decided to save some money and fix it myself(the garage arent very reliable and I can’t drive it far as its stuck on limp mode) however there are TWO catalyst converters on the car (manifold and the exhaust) the garage haven’t told me which.

    I’ve search google/YouTube etc. Any ideas?

    Currently have a manny cat on hold at a party dealer so I have to get sorted soon! Any help or ideas would be really appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!!

    Hey i have the exact codes well 2 of them 2a26 and 29f4… i have changed the o2 sensors but it didnt work.. did you fix your if so which catalytic converter was it the manifold or rear one and did it work after replacing ?

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07-07-2011, 07:30 PM


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Codes 29F5, 29F4

I get fault codes 29F5, 29F4 every 500km after I delete them.
My car currently has 6,104km on it.
I’ve cleared it multiple times but they come back.
After resetting the adaptation values they came back after 180km.
I’ve Cleared all codes. Turned the battery off for 15min. And check all the connection but everything seems to be good.
I haven’t yet pulled the O2 sensors out yet.

What available actual values should I be looking for in the BT tool to torubleshoot the problem. What voltage or other values should i be looking for to see which O2 Sensor it is or even worse which Catalytic converter it is.

Codes 29F5, 29F4 with Service Engine Soon light on.
No Warranty, I bought it on Auction it was hit in the back quarter panel.
It’s a brand new car.


07-08-2011, 05:55 AM


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Bentley’s 3-series Service manual for 06-09 shows the
29F4 (P0420) — Catalyst System Effeciency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
29F5 (P0430) — Catalyst System Effeciency Below Threshold (Bank 2)

Not sure if they are the same for your ’11.

Good Luck.


07-08-2011, 07:19 AM


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Does it say what the threshold values should be?


07-08-2011, 08:37 AM


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Nope, no values.


07-08-2011, 08:44 AM


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Are these codes usually because of bad catalytic converters or bad O2 sensors.
The car wasn’t driven for 6 months before i bought it.
Can new catalytic converters go bad so quickly?

Last edited by cezary; 07-08-2011 at 09:16 AM..


07-08-2011, 09:46 AM


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I guess the first thing I should to is get an emissions test done.


07-08-2011, 09:55 AM


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I get those codes now after going catless dps. Not sure if that helps.


07-08-2011, 10:23 AM


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Do you get the Service Engine Soon light?

Last edited by cezary; 07-08-2011 at 10:31 AM..


07-08-2011, 10:49 AM


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If i remember correctly bank 1 is the front 3 cylinders and bank 2 is the rear 3 so this would imply that both something is not working correctly in both exhaust pipes/both cats/both O2 sensors.

Check the rear O2 sensors for both pipes as these are the ones that measure emissions.

mithiral67 will always have these codes because he has no cats…

Does the vehicle have a completely stock exhaust system?

And what do you mean when you say brand new cats? As in the car is brand new, or it has had cats replaced?


-2006 325xi — DD — 75 shot nitrous


07-08-2011, 11:03 AM


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It has a completely stock exhaust.
They were never replaced.

I check the Actual Values for
«Voltage lambda probe front catalyst 1» 1.98 V
«Voltage lambda probe front catalyst 2» 2.00 V

«Voltage lambda probe rear catalyst 1» 0.74 V
«Voltage lambda probe rear catalyst 2» 0.73 V

Attached Images


Last edited by cezary; 07-08-2011 at 12:01 PM..


07-08-2011, 01:30 PM



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Originally Posted by cezary
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I get fault codes 29F5, 29F4 every 500km after I delete them.
My car currently has 6,104km on it.
I’ve cleared it multiple times but they come back.
After resetting the adaptation values they came back after 180km.
I’ve Cleared all codes. Turned the battery off for 15min. And check all the connection but everything seems to be good.
I haven’t yet pulled the O2 sensors out yet.

What available actual values should I be looking for in the BT tool to torubleshoot the problem. What voltage or other values should i be looking for to see which O2 Sensor it is or even worse which Catalytic converter it is.

Codes 29F5, 29F4 with Service Engine Soon light on.
No Warranty, I bought it on Auction it was hit in the back quarter panel.
It’s a brand new car.

No warranty? Its essentially still new?


07-08-2011, 02:11 PM


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I don’t know how BMW warranty works but I am the second owner and the car was bought from insurance auction so I am assuming that there is no warranty.
6,000 km seems almost new to me.

That’s why it hard for me to believe that the cats are bad.

I know i can fix this problem myself with some help from the users on this forum.


08-15-2011, 09:27 AM


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I changed the post-cat O2 Sensors.

I reset the light. Drove 120km. Stopped filled the tank then drove another 5km then the light turned on.

Could this error be caused the Activated carbon filter which filters the gas tank vent. It’s the oldest part of the car. I installed a used on because the original was damaged when I bought the car.

The error doesn’t suggest that it has anything to do with it.


08-15-2011, 09:34 AM



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I would check with BMW first just to be sure its still under warranty and ask the dealer to work on it.

Insurance auction or not, i’m pretty sure its still covered.


08-15-2011, 10:40 AM


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Its a Rebuilt Title.


08-16-2011, 06:46 AM


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PM me your VIN and i’ll tell you if it has warranty or not. I know a Service advisor through family he’ll be able to tell me for sure if you want.


08-16-2011, 01:03 PM


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Maybe the cats are clogged? Floor it a few times to get clean then out. If a bunch of black smoke flys out of the exhaust then you have some carbon buildup in the exhaust.


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09-12-2011, 09:04 AM


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I get these codes on my e89 N54 Z4 35i. Codes 29F4 29F5.

I have not seen a warning light on the dash/idrive and when I check the idrive it says no faults. Car drives fantastic.

I believe it could be caused by BAD FUEL since both cats give the fault code.

BTW my car is brand new — only 3500km done — so chance for BOTH cats to have gone bad at the exact same time is very slim.


07-13-2012, 06:01 PM


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I get the same codes on my e89 35i z4,

I think it might be the E85 mix I am running.


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11′ Z4 35i Procede REV 3 SOLD
2007 e90 335i 6MT:Procede REV 3: Raceland 2.5″: VRSF 7″:VRSF CHARGE pipe: Walbaro 255 inline: ACT 6 Puck: 100% e85
Garage: 2015 M3 : 2007 M5 : 2016 X1 : 2003 X5


08-19-2012, 06:52 AM


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These codes appear with no aftermarket hardware (ie downpipes). I noticed they happen only on certain brands of fuel. BP seems to be the best so far for not triggering the codes.

Again no loss of performance/idle/odd smells etc noticed.


10-03-2012, 11:06 PM




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Anyone know the exact cause of these codes for cars without catless dp’s or exhaust mods (ie stock)?

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